Monday, October 21, 2019

How To Talk To Prospects At Every Stage Of The Marketing Funnel

How To Talk To Prospects At Every Stage Of The Marketing Funnel A funnel is a way to visualize your prospects’ journey through the marketing and sales process. Figure out where in the funnel they are at from the unaware to the purchase stage. So, it’s time to put fun back into that funnel! Today, we’re talking to Emma Tupa, ’s marketing automation strategist. She shares how to create personas, find a voice, breakdown funnel stages, and change communication tactics. Marketers, do you know who you’re talking to? Create buyer personas collection of prospect characteristics based on research Ways to create buyer personas depending on the stage of your business Research and information lets you pinpoint your ideal customers and target them with specific messaging Find your tone and voice to input personality into copy and effectively communicate in the customers’ language Top of the Funnel or TOFU: Prospects in unaware or pain aware stage; use interesting and informational, but not intense content, to soft sell Middle of Funnel or MOFU: Prospects in the solution aware to product aware stages; content connects dots between the pain and the best solution for it Bottom of the Funnel or BOFU: Prospect are potentially purchase ready and in the most aware stage; content is geared to converting through calls to action Marketing is a science; involves reacting and re-engaging with prospects to get them down the funnel Differences between marketing and sales materials, including emails Links: G2 Crowd How to Map Content to the Marketing Funnel Autopilot Why Your Customer Is The Key To Skyrocketing Conversion Rates with Talia Wolf from Get UpLift Joanna Wiebe Kathryn Nyhus Write and send a review to receive a care package If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Emma Tupa: â€Å"That’s really the key creating your buyer personas. They’re crucial to figuring out who you’re actually talking to.† â€Å"Once you have all that information, you can really start to pinpoint your ideal customers and then start targeting them with specific messaging.† â€Å"Conversions to us are if a prospect is moving down the funnel, we consider that a conversion from stage to stage, not just if they become a customer.†

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