Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Vision for Tel Aviv Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Vision for Tel Aviv - Case Study Example Here may be seen a working model for the future. Hypocrisy has no place here- there are no 'third-class Israelis' here.( Derfner , 'Third-class Israelis') During that visit a student was asked how all of them got along so well in the school. His answer- "We are all human beings and we treat each other equally" prompted the Rabbi to write, "We should listen and learn from this radiant gem of youthful wisdom. We are all God's children, created in the Divine image. Our sacred task is to see the Divine in one another, and to brighten and restore God's image here on earth." (Diamond, Religious Leaders of Greater Los Angeles Mission to Rome & Jerusalem) Diamond, Rabbi Mark S. Executive Vice President, Board of Rabbis of Southern California, Religious Leaders of Greater Los Angeles Mission to Rome & Jerusalem, January 29, 2008. . Retrieved on 15 April, 2009.

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